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US data sees world markets surge (Time Online)

Hopes that the US Federal Reserve may end its round of incremental interest rate increases saw stock markets around the world gain value this afternoon, on the back of encouraging economic data out of Washington...
(click here to read the whole story)

(An atricle by Times Online)

NetSuite's CEO chides 'slow' Microsoft (CNET

Microsoft's move toward the on-demand CRM software sector doesn't worry the CEO of NetSuite, who adds that other companies remain friendly rivals until the old guard--namely Siebel--has been overthrown...(Click here to read the whole story)

(an article by CNET

An opinion on the article: “Google´s Master Plan”

by Andres Gudjonsson | student

original article by Battelle | Technology & Science | Issue 2006

The first thought that comes through my mind by reading the article is the growth of Google. It has taken the company seven years to establish itself on the market as one of the biggest telecommunication companies in the world. It is a threat to Microsoft and to Yahoo where the company is working in Artificial Intelligence, New ecomony and New Bis and seems to be the new trend within the telecommunications.

The network at Google is most interesting where by its superior service is the unlimited storage, satelite images of earth, Internet-based telephony, video and photographs and as well as free e-mail account service. The future of the company is unlimited and if you take Microsoft and its development for the last 2 decades; Google could, in seven years a head, be a leading telecommunication company, by expanding their horizon as Microsoft have done – wich might be a concern of MS. Google owns a brand named Adwords which is a network that is “the most ruthlessly efficient and massively scaled market system ever created” (Techonlogy & Science; Issues 2006; p 80-81) and there are some discussions on what the brand can do for Googles future. Can Goggle be the next Microsoft?

The article questions its achivement towards the capacity to be the next MS by three steps. “Firstly; get everything of value into the Google index. Secondly; Creation of a platform over which this information can interact. Thridly; Offer a commercial envirionment that can price and clear all those interactions, a system that is universally trusted” (Techonlogy & Science; Issues 2006; p 80-81). Those steps towards the “next generation MS” could be the source to a great future that might come through where Google is braking the “thick ice” or the monopoly that MS has built for the last two decades.

The development within business that Google is a part of seems not be going by fixed rules. The rules in business are to an extent unexistable and hard to capture because its theoretical changes are several. One issue regarding that topic within the theoratical changes are for instance: Large companies buying smaller companies and smaller companies buying other small firms with or without an alliance with the dominating companies. The development might produce only large companies but not as we see them today. Many experts have looked at Hollywood films such as Star Trek, when discussing the development in technology. In those “futuristic worlds” currency doesn´t exist as well as, the companies are in an alliance reaching the ultimit. Does it seem realistic to discuss an alliance between Google, Yahoo and MS? Today it doesn´t seem truely but who would have thought that car companies such as Volvo, Saab and Ford would become working under the same name in the year 2006?

I think that it is possible for a company as Goolge to be the next leading firm in the future but on different bases. I think the growth of Google will exceed its limits some day in the near future as well as other firms and the consiquences will be an alliance, "a Big Bang Buisness alliance", companies working side by side reaching the ultimit, without creating monopoly.